Publications in peer-reviewed journals

1.Wu, Z., Sadati, S. M. H., Rhode, K. & Bergeles, C. Vision-based autonomous steering of a miniature eversion growing robot. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 8, 7841–7848 (2023).


2. Charou, D. et al. Comprehensive characterization of the neurogenic and neuroprotective action of a novel TrkB agonist using mouse and human stem cell models of Alzheimer’s disease. Stem Cell Research & Therapy 15:200 (2024).


3. Kokkali, M. et al. Multimodal beneficial effects of BNN27, a Nerve Growth Factor synthetic mimetic, in the 5xFAD mouse model of Alzheimer’s Disease. Mol Psychiatry (2024).


4. Georgelou, K. et al. Delivery of Microneurotrophin BNN27 via Collagen Glycosaminoglycan Scaffold - FmocFF Hydrogel Grafts Promotes Neuroprotection after Optic Nerve Injury. Submitted


Publications in peer-reviewed conference proceedings

1.Bergeles, C.,Tzeranis, D., Vartholomeos, P., Gremse, F. & Charalampopoulos I. A Minimally-Invasive Soft-Robot-Assisted Deep-Brain Therapeutics Delivery System for Neurological Disorders: Concept and Architecture. Workshop Proceedings, IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation (2023).


2.Harthy, S. A., Sadati, S. M. H., Wu, Z., Seneci, C. A. & Bergeles, C. Variable stiffness soft eversion growing robot via temperature control of low-melting point alloy pressurised medium. IEEE International Symposium on Medical Robotics (ISMR) (2024).


3.Saldarriaga, B. et al. CO2 laser welding of low-density polyethylene for soft linear eversion robot fabrication. in IEEE Int. Conf. Automation Science and Engineering 1–7 (2024).


4.Vartholomeos, P., Wu, Z., Sadati, S. M. H. & Bergeles, C. Lumped parameter dynamic model of an eversion growing robot: analysis, simulation and experimental validation. in IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation 1–7 (2024).


5.K Louka, A Papagiannaki, D Tzeranis, T Krasia-Christoforou. Methods of Compound Drug Delivery via Porous Collagen Scaffolds. 8th Int. Conf. on Electrospinning, Electrospin 2024 (2024).


6.Dimas, G., Kalozoumis, P.G., Vartholomeos, P. & Iakovidis D.K. ARACHNET: interpretable sub-arachnoid space segmentation using an additive convolutional neural network, IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (2024).